Eckhart Tolle, le pouvoir de l’instant Présent Part.2

25 mai 2020 / medecine-du-monde /Commentaires (657)

Eckhart Tolle, le pouvoir de l’instant Présent Part.2


Eckhart Tolle a vécu un éveil qu’il alimente depuis.


Eckhart Tolle, de son vrai nom Ulrich Leonard Tolle, est né le 16 février 1948 à Lünen (Allemagne). Scorpion, nous ne connaissons ni son heure de naissance, ni la position de sa Lune en degré. Mais nous savons qu’elle est en Taureau. Freud le « Papa de la Psychanalyse » était Taureau Ascendant Scorpion. Je comprenTolle portrait N et B Part.-Atlaneastrods son attirance pour la Psychologie. C’est un être profond, qui est capable d’endurer émotionnellement bien plus qu’un autre. Qui a cette force très particulière de mourrir et de renaître de ses cendres. Il a eu une vie « normale » de petit garçon et d’adolescent, et de jeune homme. Cependant à 29 ans à l’âge où certains se marient, laissent venir un enfant ou achète un lieu de vie. D’autres démarrent une activité professionnelle. Eckart a vécu un éveil qui l’habite depuis.

Je dirai que la personnalité Scorpion au début de sa vie est tout à fait celle qu’il a vécu. Un être secret, intériorisé, qui ne se sent pas aimé comme il aurait voulu l’être. Intuitif, jaloux, possessif. Eckart, a peur de l’abandon. Les angoisses obsessionnelles, les insécurités, et un besoin de compliquer les choses ont été au risque de me tromper son pain quotidien durant des années.

Que le temps est venu pour Tolle


Tolle thème astrologique Part.2-Atlaneastro

En 2008, il a alors 60 ans, Jupiter en Transit est au Carré de sa Vénus Conjointe à Neptune en Balance. Chose que l’on retrouve depuis le début de l’année 2020. Jupiter a un cycle de 12 ans. Et en outre, dans la même période Uranus en Transit est au Carré de son Mars Conjoint à Jupiter et Opposés à lui même. Puis Neptune en Transit est en Trigone à son Soleil Opposé à sa Lune et Pluton est encore sur son Jupiter Opposé à Uranus. On lui montre qu’il doit développer son enseignement. Que c’est le moment juste pour lui d’utiliser le net, la T.v et tous les supports médiatiques à sa disposition. Qu’il est temps qu’il se révèle au monde.

Que le temps est venu pour lui (Cliquez sur le lien, Part.1) et que comme dans l’Arcane XX Le Jugement du Tarot de Marseille d’A. Jodorowsky. L’être bleu ciel sort de la terre ses parents biologiques ou spirituels autours en prière et plein de gratitude. Au risque de me tromper, remercient l’ange, de la naissance physique ou spirituelle de cet être. L’ange est flamboyant, il fait les 2/3 de l’Arcane. Avec sa trompète il réveille l’être réceptif, intuitif, et spirituel. Et il lui apporte aussi un paquet cadeau, que l’on peut voir dans le drapeau.


Tolle apparait avec Sa Sainteté le Dalaï Lama


Tolle avec sa Sainteté le Dalaï Lama Part.2-Atlaneastro

D’avril 2008 à fin 2009 et de 2011 à fin 2012, il traverse une période où il se libère . Et d’ailleurs met en marche des projets avant-gardistes et créatifs. Il a réalisé un album de musique, en 2008, sous le titre de Music to Quiet the Mind. En 2008, Jesse McKinley, du New York Times, parle de Tolle comme de l’auteur spirituel le plus populaire aux États-Unis. En 2009, il crée un site Internet vidéo qu’il nomme Eckhart Tolle TV. Où encore en juin 2009, Tolle et Jim Carrey sont à l’affiche de la première conférence de la GATE (Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment). Son troisième livre : « Nouvelle Terre » est intégré au catalogue d’Oprah Winfrey. Enfin, en 2011, le Watkins Review le place en première position sur une liste des « 100 personnalités les plus influentes spirituellement

Il apparait avec Sa Sainteté le Dalaï Lama au Sommet de la Paix  (Cliquez sur le lien un article sur Sa Sainteté le Dalaï Lama) à Vancouver en 2009 également. Un évènement qui rassemblera 5000 personnes.


Tolle a vécu un « effondrement de son ego »


Tolle méditant yeux fermés Part.-Atlaneastro

Le 16 septembre 2017, Eckhart Tolle est donc invité à Paris par My Whole Project pour une conférence au Grand Rex (première fois en France). Devant une salle comble, il est alors interviewé dans le Journal Télévisé de France 2. Qui le présente comme « Le Pape du bien-être ».

Eckart Tollé est sans aucun doute, un être authentique, qui a vécu un « effondrement de son ego. Qui n’est plus dans la dualité. Un être dont l’enseignement est clair je le cite : « La chose la plus importante qui puisse arriver à un être humain est le processus de séparation entre la pensée et la conscience. Car la conscience est l’espace dans lequel les pensées existent.  La première cause de malheur n’est jamais la situation mais vos pensées à son sujet ». Et encore, il écrit : « Qu’un aspect majeur du dysfonctionnement humain est l’ego. Un sentiment illusoire de soi fondé sur une identification inconsciente avec ses mémoires et pensées. Et puis qu’un autre aspect majeur est le corps-souffrance, une accumulation de souffrances émotionnelles passées.


« Les Papotes Mystiques » et Médiations et Soin Guérisseur


« Les Papotes Mystiques » tirages de Tarot de Marseille de l’école d’Alejandro Jodorowsky GRATUITS  live les mardis à 21 h 21  en direct sur ma page Facebook
photo Joy Indonésie
Je continuerai d’enseigner par mes lectures aidée du Tarot, de l’Astrologie, de la thérapie. Et notamment de tous les supports de guérison à ma disposition pour travailler avec tous.
Inlassablement, je vous aiderai à comprendre qu’il est temps d’être enfin vous. D’être et d’accepter la mission que vous êtes probablement venus accomplir ici bas. Et notamment à chercher sans relâche des chemins qui vous permettront d’être lumineux, sereins, confiants et créatifs. N’oublions jamais que nous sommes tous des facettes du Un.
les jeudis à 21h 21 pendant 45 minutes : Médiation et Soin Guérisseur. Groupe fermé s’inscrire sur le lien

For private consultations or anything else please
Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :


Eckhart Tolle, le pouvoir de l’instant Présent Part.1


Conversation avec Eckhart Tolle qui s’exprime quand à la Covid 19 Part.1


Conversations avec Eckhart Tolle qui s’exprime quand à la Covid-19 Part.2 Ici et Maintenant


Eckhart Tolle, sortir de sa zone de confort pour s’éveiller





Joy Jurville

Psychothérapeute, chercheur en Astrologie et en Tarologie depuis 1981. Je vis mon métier avec passion !


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Commentaires (657)

  • Rafaela

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  • Joy Jurville

    20 février 2021 à 02:09

    thank you so much, with love, Joy Jurville

    For private consultations or anything else please
    Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Whitney

    16 mars 2021 à 18:33

    Thanks for your article,

  • Joy Jurville

    17 mars 2021 à 09:13

    Thank you too, Whitney, with love, Joy Jurville

    For private consultations or anything else please
    Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Patty

    18 mars 2021 à 01:47

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  • Joy Jurville

    18 mars 2021 à 11:40

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    For private consultations or anything else please
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    The first new article on Joe Biden on my blog 1 other will follow :

    For private consultations or anything else please
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  • Noreen

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  • Joy Jurville

    22 septembre 2021 à 00:30

    Thank you so much Noreen for your return, and your fidelity . You’re welcome. I really appreciate.
    I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + ou -500 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    I’m preparing new articles on Joe Biden, I think you would appreciate, à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville

    The first new article on Joe Biden on my blog 1 other will follow :

    For private consultations or anything else please
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  • Joy Jurville

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    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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    For private consultations or anything else please
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    Thanks, for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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  • Joy Jurville

    22 avril 2024 à 11:21

    Thanks, for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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  • Joy Jurville

    22 avril 2024 à 11:21

    Thanks, for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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  • Joy Jurville

    22 avril 2024 à 11:21

    Thanks, for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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  • Joy Jurville

    27 avril 2024 à 14:57

    Thanks, for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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  • Joy Jurville

    27 avril 2024 à 14:57

    Thanks, for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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    Thanks, for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

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    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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  • Joy Jurville

    14 mai 2024 à 21:21

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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  • Joy Jurville

    14 mai 2024 à 21:21

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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  • Joy Jurville

    14 mai 2024 à 23:15

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
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  • Joy Jurville

    22 mai 2024 à 08:58

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    22 mai 2024 à 08:58

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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  • Joy Jurville

    29 mai 2024 à 19:02

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 juin 2024 à 23:14

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
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  • Joy Jurville

    4 juin 2024 à 23:58

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    5 juin 2024 à 01:19

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    5 juin 2024 à 01:19

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    9 juin 2024 à 09:38

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    9 juin 2024 à 09:38

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    11 juin 2024 à 14:34

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    14 juin 2024 à 00:11

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    17 juin 2024 à 00:18

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

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    There are some interesting points in time in this article but I don?t know if I see all of them center to heart. There is some validity but I will take hold opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we want more! Added to FeedBurner as well


    26 juin 2024 à 21:21

    There are some interesting points in time in this article but I don?t know if I see all of them center to heart. There is some validity but I will take hold opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we want more! Added to FeedBurner as well

  • Joy Jurville

    27 juin 2024 à 00:07

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    27 juin 2024 à 00:07

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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    7 juillet 2024 à 07:55


  • Joy Jurville

    7 juillet 2024 à 09:14

    You’re welcome


    8 juillet 2024 à 01:32

    Good article , thanks and we want more!

  • Joy Jurville

    8 juillet 2024 à 02:00

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • eskişehir halı yıkama

    8 juillet 2024 à 08:07

    thx baby

  • Joy Jurville

    8 juillet 2024 à 09:06

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :


    9 juillet 2024 à 13:17

    Good article , thanks and we want more!


    9 juillet 2024 à 13:17

    . Good article , thanks and we want more!

  • Joy Jurville

    9 juillet 2024 à 18:36

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    9 juillet 2024 à 18:36

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :


    12 juillet 2024 à 14:33

    Hello are some interesting points in time in this article but I don?t know if I see all of them center to heart. There is some validity but I will take hold opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we want more!

  • Joy Jurville

    13 juillet 2024 à 07:36

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :


    13 juillet 2024 à 10:41

    Hello are some interesting points in time in this article but I don?t know if I see all of them center to heart. There is some validity but I will take hold opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we want more!


    13 juillet 2024 à 10:44

    Hello are some interesting points in time in this article but I don?t know if I see all of them center to heart. There is some validity but I will take hold opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we want more!Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :


    14 juillet 2024 à 13:08

    Hello are some interesting points in time in this article but I don?t know if I see all of them center to heart. There is some validity but I will take hold opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we want more!

  • Joy Jurville

    15 juillet 2024 à 07:26

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    15 juillet 2024 à 07:26

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    15 juillet 2024 à 07:27

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    15 juillet 2024 à 13:08

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    15 juillet 2024 à 13:08

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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    17 juillet 2024 à 17:05



    18 juillet 2024 à 10:15

    Hello are some interesting points in in this article

  • Joy Jurville

    18 juillet 2024 à 10:28

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    18 juillet 2024 à 10:28

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

    19 juillet 2024 à 11:06

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  • Joy Jurville

    20 juillet 2024 à 01:27

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    20 juillet 2024 à 01:27

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    20 juillet 2024 à 01:27

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    20 juillet 2024 à 01:28

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    20 juillet 2024 à 01:28

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  • Joy Jurville

    23 juillet 2024 à 10:58

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    24 juillet 2024 à 11:07

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    30 juillet 2024 à 09:32

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    31 juillet 2024 à 10:46

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    31 juillet 2024 à 10:47

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    31 juillet 2024 à 10:47

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    31 juillet 2024 à 16:49

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 août 2024 à 00:11

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 août 2024 à 00:12

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 août 2024 à 00:13

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 août 2024 à 09:03

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 août 2024 à 09:07

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 août 2024 à 09:08

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 août 2024 à 09:08

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 août 2024 à 09:10

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 août 2024 à 09:10

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 août 2024 à 09:16

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 août 2024 à 18:37

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

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    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 août 2024 à 21:20

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    1 août 2024 à 21:43

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    2 août 2024 à 11:10

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    2 août 2024 à 11:10

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    3 août 2024 à 00:14

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    4 août 2024 à 09:30

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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  • Joy Jurville

    4 août 2024 à 22:09

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    4 août 2024 à 22:09

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    4 août 2024 à 23:38

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    4 août 2024 à 23:38

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    4 août 2024 à 23:38

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    5 août 2024 à 00:00

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    5 août 2024 à 08:56

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    5 août 2024 à 08:56

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    5 août 2024 à 08:57

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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    5 août 2024 à 09:55


  • Joy Jurville

    5 août 2024 à 11:20

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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    6 août 2024 à 08:20


  • Joy Jurville

    6 août 2024 à 16:49

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :


    7 août 2024 à 02:31


  • Joy Jurville

    7 août 2024 à 05:12

    You’re welcome

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  • Joy Jurville

    18 août 2024 à 09:18

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 août 2024 à 09:18

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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    20 août 2024 à 18:46


  • Joy Jurville

    20 août 2024 à 20:26

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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  • Joy Jurville

    21 août 2024 à 10:55

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    21 août 2024 à 10:55

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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    22 août 2024 à 07:22


  • Joy Jurville

    22 août 2024 à 07:55

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    22 août 2024 à 07:55

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    22 août 2024 à 07:56

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    22 août 2024 à 07:56

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • c99 shell indir

    22 août 2024 à 08:58


  • Joy Jurville

    22 août 2024 à 08:59

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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    22 août 2024 à 19:09


  • Joy Jurville

    22 août 2024 à 19:11

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • van halı yıkama

    22 août 2024 à 23:55


  • Joy Jurville

    23 août 2024 à 00:12

    You’re welcome

  • Joy Jurville

    23 août 2024 à 00:13

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • bissell halı yıkama

    23 août 2024 à 06:12


  • halı yıkama fiyatları

    23 août 2024 à 07:40


  • Joy Jurville

    23 août 2024 à 08:00

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    23 août 2024 à 08:00

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • c99 php shell txt

    23 août 2024 à 08:35


  • Joy Jurville

    23 août 2024 à 11:53

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • arçelik halı yıkama makinesi

    23 août 2024 à 23:05


  • bursa halı yıkama

    23 août 2024 à 23:10


  • Joy Jurville

    23 août 2024 à 23:47

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    23 août 2024 à 23:47

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • halı yıkama makinesi

    24 août 2024 à 08:16


  • Joy Jurville

    24 août 2024 à 18:48

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • arnica halı yıkama makinesi

    24 août 2024 à 20:58


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    24 août 2024 à 22:43


  • Joy Jurville

    24 août 2024 à 22:51

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    24 août 2024 à 22:51

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :`

  • Joy Jurville

    24 août 2024 à 22:51

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    24 août 2024 à 22:51

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    24 août 2024 à 22:51

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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  • Joy Jurville

    25 août 2024 à 07:44

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    25 août 2024 à 07:44

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    25 août 2024 à 07:44

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • antalya halı yıkama

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  • Joy Jurville

    25 août 2024 à 21:41

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    25 août 2024 à 21:41

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    25 août 2024 à 23:24

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • konya halı yıkama

    25 août 2024 à 23:24


  • Joy Jurville

    25 août 2024 à 23:25

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • karcher halı yıkama makinesi

    26 août 2024 à 01:58


  • Joy Jurville

    26 août 2024 à 11:00

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • fakir halı yıkama makinesi

    27 août 2024 à 00:22


  • Joy Jurville

    27 août 2024 à 00:52

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • kiwi halı yıkama makinesi

    27 août 2024 à 08:16


  • Joy Jurville

    27 août 2024 à 10:23

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • halı yıkama makinesi

    27 août 2024 à 23:16


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    27 août 2024 à 23:58


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    28 août 2024 à 00:00


  • Joy Jurville

    28 août 2024 à 01:42

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    28 août 2024 à 01:42

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    28 août 2024 à 01:42

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    28 août 2024 à 01:42

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • arnica halı yıkama makinesi

    28 août 2024 à 01:50


  • konya halı yıkama

    28 août 2024 à 01:51


  • bursa halı yıkama

    28 août 2024 à 01:59


  • Joy Jurville

    28 août 2024 à 07:45

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    28 août 2024 à 07:45

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    28 août 2024 à 07:45

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • eskişehir halı yıkama

    28 août 2024 à 19:27


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    28 août 2024 à 19:39


  • halı ve koltuk yıkama makinesi

    28 août 2024 à 22:14


  • Joy Jurville

    28 août 2024 à 22:16

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    28 août 2024 à 22:16

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    28 août 2024 à 22:16

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    28 août 2024 à 22:17

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    28 août 2024 à 22:17

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • halı yıkama makinesi fiyatları

    28 août 2024 à 22:27


  • Joy Jurville

    28 août 2024 à 22:37

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • bissell halı yıkama

    29 août 2024 à 06:22


  • Joy Jurville

    29 août 2024 à 08:16

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • halı yıkama makinesi fiyatları

    30 août 2024 à 04:30


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  • Joy Jurville

    30 août 2024 à 11:37

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    30 août 2024 à 11:37

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    30 août 2024 à 11:37

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    30 août 2024 à 11:37

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    30 août 2024 à 11:37

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • halı ve koltuk yıkama makinesi

    30 août 2024 à 19:22


  • Joy Jurville

    30 août 2024 à 19:27

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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  • Joy Jurville

    30 août 2024 à 20:01

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    30 août 2024 à 20:01

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 09:35

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 09:35

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 09:35

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 09:35

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 09:35

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 09:35

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 21:52

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 21:52

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 21:52

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 21:53

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 21:53

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 21:53

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 21:53

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 21:53

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 21:54

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 21:54

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 21:54

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    31 août 2024 à 21:54

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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  • Joy Jurville

    1 septembre 2024 à 08:56

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    1 septembre 2024 à 08:57

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    1 septembre 2024 à 08:57

    You’re welcome

  • Joy Jurville

    1 septembre 2024 à 08:58

    You’re welcome

  • Joy Jurville

    1 septembre 2024 à 09:03

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    1 septembre 2024 à 09:04

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    1 septembre 2024 à 09:04

    You’re welcome

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  • Joy Jurville

    2 septembre 2024 à 01:32

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    2 septembre 2024 à 01:32

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    2 septembre 2024 à 01:32

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    2 septembre 2024 à 01:32

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    2 septembre 2024 à 01:33

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    2 septembre 2024 à 01:33

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    2 septembre 2024 à 01:33

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • eskişehir halı yıkama

    2 septembre 2024 à 04:05


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    2 septembre 2024 à 06:30


  • Joy Jurville

    2 septembre 2024 à 10:10

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    2 septembre 2024 à 10:10

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :


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  • Joy Jurville

    2 septembre 2024 à 18:02

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • ankara halı yıkama

    2 septembre 2024 à 20:24


  • Joy Jurville

    2 septembre 2024 à 21:28

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :


    3 septembre 2024 à 04:31



    3 septembre 2024 à 04:31



    3 septembre 2024 à 04:32


  • Joy Jurville

    3 septembre 2024 à 10:07

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

    3 septembre 2024 à 19:49

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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  • Joy Jurville

    4 septembre 2024 à 08:00

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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  • Joy Jurville

    8 septembre 2024 à 10:10

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • halı yıkama fiyatları

    11 septembre 2024 à 20:10


  • Joy Jurville

    11 septembre 2024 à 23:03

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • halı yıkama fiyatları

    12 septembre 2024 à 04:38


  • Joy Jurville

    12 septembre 2024 à 08:45

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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  • Joy Jurville

    13 septembre 2024 à 09:18

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    13 septembre 2024 à 09:18

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    13 septembre 2024 à 09:18

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • diyarbakır halı yıkama

    15 septembre 2024 à 05:08


  • Joy Jurville

    15 septembre 2024 à 09:46

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • soylu hali yikama

    17 septembre 2024 à 09:47


  • Joy Jurville

    17 septembre 2024 à 09:51

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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  • Joy Jurville

    18 septembre 2024 à 08:31

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 septembre 2024 à 08:31

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • kırşehir hali yikama telefon numarası

    19 septembre 2024 à 10:15


  • Joy Jurville

    19 septembre 2024 à 10:18

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • soylu hali yikama

    19 septembre 2024 à 22:57


  • Joy Jurville

    20 septembre 2024 à 08:56

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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  • Joy Jurville

    26 septembre 2024 à 22:05

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    26 septembre 2024 à 22:05

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    26 septembre 2024 à 22:05

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    26 septembre 2024 à 22:06

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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    28 septembre 2024 à 20:36



    28 septembre 2024 à 20:37



    28 septembre 2024 à 20:38



    28 septembre 2024 à 20:49


  • Joy Jurville

    28 septembre 2024 à 20:55

    You’re welcome

  • Joy Jurville

    28 septembre 2024 à 20:55

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  • Joy Jurville

    28 septembre 2024 à 20:55

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  • Joy Jurville

    28 septembre 2024 à 20:55

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    28 septembre 2024 à 21:01


  • Joy Jurville

    29 septembre 2024 à 00:49

    You’re welcome

  • hali yikama supurgesi fiyati

    30 septembre 2024 à 11:27


  • Joy Jurville

    30 septembre 2024 à 12:02

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • gul hali yikama

    30 septembre 2024 à 19:40


  • Joy Jurville

    30 septembre 2024 à 20:03

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • gul hali yikama

    1 octobre 2024 à 20:39


  • Joy Jurville

    1 octobre 2024 à 20:52

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • karaca hali yikama makinesi

    1 octobre 2024 à 21:29


  • Joy Jurville

    1 octobre 2024 à 21:31

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • boya badana ustasi arayanlar

    2 octobre 2024 à 01:01


  • PHP shell

    2 octobre 2024 à 03:43


  • sedef hali yikama

    2 octobre 2024 à 03:55


  • Joy Jurville

    2 octobre 2024 à 10:38

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    2 octobre 2024 à 10:38

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    2 octobre 2024 à 10:38

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • sudem hali yikama

    2 octobre 2024 à 23:25


  • Joy Jurville

    2 octobre 2024 à 23:34

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • karcher hali koltuk yikama

    3 octobre 2024 à 00:18


  • Joy Jurville

    3 octobre 2024 à 01:58

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    3 octobre 2024 à 11:03

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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    3 octobre 2024 à 22:58



    3 octobre 2024 à 22:58



    3 octobre 2024 à 23:05



    3 octobre 2024 à 23:06


  • Joy Jurville

    3 octobre 2024 à 23:40

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  • Joy Jurville

    3 octobre 2024 à 23:40

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  • Joy Jurville

    3 octobre 2024 à 23:41

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  • Joy Jurville

    3 octobre 2024 à 23:41

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    3 octobre 2024 à 23:56



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    3 octobre 2024 à 23:58



    3 octobre 2024 à 23:58


  • kırşehir hali yikama telefon numarası

    4 octobre 2024 à 05:16


  • Joy Jurville

    4 octobre 2024 à 10:54

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  • Joy Jurville

    4 octobre 2024 à 10:54

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  • Joy Jurville

    4 octobre 2024 à 10:54

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  • Joy Jurville

    4 octobre 2024 à 10:55

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
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  • Joy Jurville

    4 octobre 2024 à 10:55

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  • ödemiş hali yikama

    4 octobre 2024 à 15:40


  • Joy Jurville

    4 octobre 2024 à 20:04

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
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  • C99 shell github

    5 octobre 2024 à 08:39


  • Joy Jurville

    5 octobre 2024 à 08:55

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
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    5 octobre 2024 à 16:23



    5 octobre 2024 à 16:24



    5 octobre 2024 à 16:24



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    5 octobre 2024 à 16:30


  • Joy Jurville

    5 octobre 2024 à 18:51

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  • Joy Jurville

    5 octobre 2024 à 18:51

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  • Joy Jurville

    5 octobre 2024 à 18:51

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

    5 octobre 2024 à 18:51

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  • Joy Jurville

    5 octobre 2024 à 18:51

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  • Joy Jurville

    5 octobre 2024 à 18:51

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

    5 octobre 2024 à 18:51

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  • Joy Jurville

    5 octobre 2024 à 18:52

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  • Joy Jurville

    5 octobre 2024 à 18:52

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  • karaca hali yikama makinesi

    5 octobre 2024 à 20:57


  • Joy Jurville

    5 octobre 2024 à 20:59

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • karcher hali koltuk yikama

    6 octobre 2024 à 11:44


  • Joy Jurville

    6 octobre 2024 à 12:35

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • soylu hali yikama

    7 octobre 2024 à 09:17


  • Joy Jurville

    7 octobre 2024 à 14:35

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • sedef hali yikama

    9 octobre 2024 à 03:17


  • kırşehir hali yikama telefon numarası

    9 octobre 2024 à 04:10


  • Joy Jurville

    9 octobre 2024 à 10:43

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    9 octobre 2024 à 10:43

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    9 octobre 2024 à 10:43

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • sokuşmak

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  • Joy Jurville

    9 octobre 2024 à 16:22

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

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  • Joy Jurville

    9 octobre 2024 à 16:24

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  • Joy Jurville

    9 octobre 2024 à 16:25

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  • Iğdır Halı Yıkama

    15 octobre 2024 à 15:19

    Thank you for the content, I wish you continued success.

  • Artvin Halı Yıkama

    15 octobre 2024 à 15:20

    You are successful and strong, I like your site.

  • Sakarya Halı Yıkama

    15 octobre 2024 à 15:21

    Congratulations to the beautiful site admin, I wish you continued success.

  • Kırıkkale Halı Yıkama

    15 octobre 2024 à 15:22

    Congratulations, you have a very nice site. I wish you continued success and congratulations.

  • Isparta Halı Yıkama

    15 octobre 2024 à 15:23

    You have created good content, we look forward to your continued success.

  • Joy Jurville

    15 octobre 2024 à 15:31

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
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  • Joy Jurville

    15 octobre 2024 à 15:32

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    15 octobre 2024 à 15:32

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    15 octobre 2024 à 15:33

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    15 octobre 2024 à 15:33

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Sivas Halı Yıkama

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:05

    I appreciate your thoroughness in addressing this issue.

  • Afyon Halı Yıkama

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:06

    I appreciate your perspective on this issue.

  • Çanakkale Halı Yıkama

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:07

    This made me think differently about the subject. Thank you!

  • Gümüşhane Halı Yıkama

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:08

    I love how you broke down the information into digestible parts.

  • Manisa Halı Yıkama

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:08

    I can’t wait to see what you write next!

  • Iğdır Halı Yıkama

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:09

    This is such an important issue, and you addressed it beautifully.

  • Bayburt Halı Yıkama

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:09

    I’m glad I stumbled upon this article. Very enlightening!

  • Edirne Halı Yıkama

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:10

    This article is a treasure trove of information!

  • Kars Halı Yıkama

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:12

    This is a fascinating read! I couldn’t put it down.

  • Nevşehir Halı Yıkama

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:13

    I love the way you connect theory to real-world applications.

  • Kars Halı Yıkama

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:14

    I appreciate the resources you provided at the end of the article.

  • Sinop Halı Yıkama

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:15

    I love how you encourage readers to think critically.

  • Hakkâri Halı Yıkama

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:17

    Your writing always resonates with me. Keep it up!

  • Joy Jurville

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:25

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:25

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:25

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:25

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:25

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:25

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:26

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:26

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:26

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:26

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:26

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:26

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    18 octobre 2024 à 20:26

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Bitlis Esgord

    21 octobre 2024 à 22:44

    I have a few questions about the points you made. Can you elaborate?

  • Nevşehir Esgord

    21 octobre 2024 à 22:48

    This post is so informative! Thank you for sharing.

  • Erzincan Esgord

    21 octobre 2024 à 22:49

    You have a gift for making complex topics understandable.

  • Tekirdağ Esgord

    21 octobre 2024 à 22:49

    I appreciate your thoroughness in addressing this issue.

  • Giresun Esgord

    21 octobre 2024 à 22:50

    This is such an important conversation to have. Thank you!

  • Joy Jurville

    22 octobre 2024 à 00:00

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    22 octobre 2024 à 00:00

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    22 octobre 2024 à 00:00

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    22 octobre 2024 à 00:01

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

  • Joy Jurville

    22 octobre 2024 à 00:01

    Thanks for your return and your fidelity.You’re welcome.I hope you’re enjoy yourself with the + or – 700 articles, I hope read you soon, again, don’t hesitate to comment on other articles you read, your feedback is important to law . Thank you so much,

    à bientôt, with love Joy Jurville
    For private consultations or anything else please
 Joy Jurville Tel : +33 661493680
mail :

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